Scritture e pensiero: tra Oriente e Occidente

  • Fabio Della Pergola


Starting from the analysis of some writings which have appeared in a book edited by G. Bocchi and M. Ceruti, Origini della scrittura. Genealogie di un’invenzione (Milano 2002; The origins of writing. The geneology of an invention), this article delves into the difference between left-to right writing (Semitic and Etruscan) and right-to-left writing (Greek-Latin.) Some scholars hypothesize that the direction of writing may depend on the predominance of the right or left semi-fields of the eyes, as a consequence of the predominance of one cerebral hemisphere over another, giving rise to a different way of interpreting reality. This article, on the other hand, hypothesizes the contrary; that is, as the strongly rational culture of the Greek logos imposed itself, one cerebral hemisphere began prevailing over the other and ultimately determined the direction of writing.

Come citare
Della Pergola, F. (2011). Scritture e pensiero: tra Oriente e Occidente. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 20(4), 75-85.