L’incontro tra ospiti del mondo. Un colloquio con gli operatori del sistema di accoglienza italiano

  • Daniela Tommasino
  • Ana Guerrero Gómez
  • Maria Giubettini
  • Ludovica Telesforo


The authors report a few different interviews with people who take care of migrants from their rescue at sea to their integration. The first-hand experiences narrated by these professionals highlight the weak points of our immigration system that range from Education (both cultural and human) to provision of funds and resources based on a welfare mentality. The dynamics that take place between professionals and migrants have been examined. Then, respondents have been invited to reflect upon what integration means and what can be done to improve its process.

Come citare
Tommasino, D., Guerrero Gómez, A., Giubettini, M., & Telesforo, L. (2018). L’incontro tra ospiti del mondo. Un colloquio con gli operatori del sistema di accoglienza italiano. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 27(2), 79-89. https://doi.org/10.14663/sdf.v27i2.53