Deontologia e psicoterapia durante il lockdown

  • Andrea Emiliozzi
  • Giovanni Sneider


In Europe and worldwide many researches have been carried out both in psychology and psychiatry on the modality of psychotherapeutic interventions during pandemics with the aim to define new guidelines. These studies strongly recommend therapeutic continuity for patients already under treatment and a particular attention towards those who have dramatically suffered the effects of isolation. Concerning the interruption of the psychotherapy for a long period, the current Italian regulation underlines the necessity for a fair cause, since the interruption without consistent reasons represents a violation of the Civic Code and the psychologists’ deontological Code. The authors affirm that carrying on online therapy during a pandemic is the most coherent decision taken according to the psychodynamic framework represented by the Human Birth theory. This solution, widely adopted during the 2020 lockdown, meets the principles of therapeutic continuity, complete interest for the patient and compliance of ethical obligation.

Come citare
Emiliozzi, A., & Sneider, G. (2021). Deontologia e psicoterapia durante il lockdown. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 30(2), 93-100.