Cura, formazione, ricerca: le ragioni di una fondazione intitolata a Massimo Fagioli

  • Ernesto Longobardi


The aim of this article is to present Massimo Fagioli’s Foundation which was established on the 28thMay 2021. The foundation’s main scope is to preserve and spread the work of Massimo Fagioli including all the contributions that he made to the scientific, political, cultural and artistic fields. At the same time, its aim is to carry out research, training and cure based on his theory and method. The author of this article illustrates the reasons, nature and legal form of the foundation, tracing the path leading to its constitution: from the first initiatives launched by the Fagioli’s heirs soon after his death, until the current phase which involves more than 1000 people, 850 of which are actively engaged in designing and planning the upcoming foundation’s activity.

Come citare
Longobardi, E. (2022). Cura, formazione, ricerca: le ragioni di una fondazione intitolata a Massimo Fagioli. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 31(1), 09-24.