La bioetica della vita umana

  • Maria Gabriella Gatti


Current bioethical debate sees two conceptions opposing one another: that of the Sanctity of life, which derives from Christian thought, that assigns the spiritual properties of a person to the zygote; and that of rationalist atheism that denies the existence of any absolute value or rule to which metaphysical relevance should be attributed. According to laymen, morality, ethics and the rules physicians and biologists should abide by cannot be derived from human nature that is defined on the basis of a universal or univocal definition. Hence, the thought of bioethicists lies trapped between the splitting between mind and body, between natural laws and innate conceptions stemming from Catholicism, and ethical conventionalism of laymen who consider reason and conscience to be the essence of human beings. Both positions do not grasp the sense of human birth, which Massimo Fagioli outlined in his Human Birth Theory.

Come citare
Gatti, M. G. (2016). La bioetica della vita umana. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 25(4), 46-58.

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