Indagine sulla psichiatria psicodinamica di gruppo basata sulla teoria della nascita di Massimo Fagioli*

  • Martina Brandizzi
  • Antonia Mocci
  • Alberto Forte
  • Claudia Dario
  • Luana Testa
  • Annelore Homberg
  • Juliana Fortes Lindau
  • Nella Lo Cascio
  • Elena Monducci
  • Riccardo Saba
  • Miriam Scarciglia


Studies on psychodynamic group psychotherapy (PDG) have highlighted the overall efficacy of this approach. However, the lack of accuracy in describing the methodology and therapeutic practice adopted has not allowed to draw final conclusions on its effectiveness. The main aim of the present  study is to identify the essential elements at the core of the group therapeutic process. The methodology and theory of this psychodynamic approach are based on the Human Birth Theory elaborated by the psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli. In order to identify these factors, a questionnaire was developed and administered to 157 psychotherapists who are members of the Editorial Committee of the journal “Il sogno della farfalla”. The degree of consensus among the psychotherapists enrolled was determined for each item, through a standardized and reproducible investigation method (Delphi method).
The results obtained showed a high level of agreement among the psychotherapists on the key components of the therapeutic methodology with an even higher consistency on the therapeutic factors, the psychotherapist’s identity, the setting, the aims and the end of the PDG. The items proposed encompassed both theoretical and practical aspects of the PDF. They represent the basis both for the subsequent manualization of the therapeutic approach used by the psychotherapists interviewed and for empirical studies necessary to investigate the efficacy of the PDG. Moreover, this study confirms the possibility to study the PDG with empirical methods already adopted in other approaches and therefore to promote a debate on its efficacy compared to other treatments.

Come citare
Brandizzi, M., Mocci, A., Forte, A., Dario, C., Testa, L., Homberg, A., Fortes Lindau, J., Lo Cascio, N., Monducci, E., Saba, R., & Scarciglia, M. (2022). Indagine sulla psichiatria psicodinamica di gruppo basata sulla teoria della nascita di Massimo Fagioli*. Il Sogno Della Farfalla, 31(1), 27-64.

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