The therapist’s reaction to the patient in the systemic-relational approach

  • Silvia Solaroli
  • Luana Testa


The systemic-relational paradigm has its roots in America of the 50s and spread quickly to Europe and in Italy where it reached the peak of its popularity in the 80s. Its birth appears strictly connected to the profound dissatisfaction with classical psychoanalysis as well as to the social and cultural movements of that period. Harry Stack Sullivan’s interpersonal theory which he also applied in his work with families of schizophrenic patients can be considered a precursor. Through a historical and epistemological reconstruction of the theoretical model in question, the Authors go through all the steps that that have led to the development of countertransference in the systemic sense, therefore to its use as a therapeutic tool, analyzing the advantages and the problems related to the theoretical approach and clinical method.


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